EO*GI: A crucial tool to monitor and tackle climate change

EO*GI: A crucial tool to monitor and tackle climate change

An EO4GEO and Climate-KIC workshop on the use of satellite and remote sensing data to tackle climate change challenges. With EUSPA, University of Patras and Pachama.


1Spark! lectures
2EO*GI context and trends link icon
3EO*GI for forestry challenges link icon
4EO*GI for forest protection link icon
5EO*GI for solar energy challenges link icon
6EO*GI for new Challenges in Solar Energy Resources link icon

1 | Spark! lectures

Spark lectures are community events organised by EIT Climate-KIC 5 times a year. The events are meant to trigger fruitful discussions and inspire the participants to take climate action via presentations and interactions with thought provoking innovators and opinion leaders.

For its October edition this year, EIT Climate-KIC partnered with the EO4GEO project to design an event about Earth observation and geoinformation as a tool help solving climate change challenges. This event is therefore a hybrid training action from EO4GEO based on a EIT Climate-KIC event.

Spark-EO4GEO training action

2 | EO*GI context and trends


New EO data, depicted by the database symbol on the left hand side of the seesaw, make Mr/Mrs Copernicus better positioned for their observations. Thus, EO data leverage a better overview and understanding.
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3 | Forestry challenge


New EO data, depicted by the database symbol on the left hand side of the seesaw, make Mr/Mrs Copernicus better positioned for their observations. Thus, EO data leverage a better overview and understanding.
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4 | EO*GI for forest protection


New EO data, depicted by the database symbol on the left hand side of the seesaw, make Mr/Mrs Copernicus better positioned for their observations. Thus, EO data leverage a better overview and understanding.
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5 | EO*GI for solar energy

The University of Patras

New EO data, depicted by the database symbol on the left hand side of the seesaw, make Mr/Mrs Copernicus better positioned for their observations. Thus, EO data leverage a better overview and understanding.
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6 | EO*GI for new Challenges in Solar Energy Resources

The University of Patras

New EO data, depicted by the database symbol on the left hand side of the seesaw, make Mr/Mrs Copernicus better positioned for their observations. Thus, EO data leverage a better overview and understanding.
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