[1] Welcome [2] Learning objectives [3] Content overview [4] Objects in our life [5] Example: landscape objects [6] OBIA - information update [7] What is / what does OBIA [8] Two related pillars [9] (Very) high resolution data
856.908 | University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022
Welcome to the world of "object-based image analysis"!
This course was designed for students to study the content on their own. The required material is available through the course (web-)site, documents are accessible from a single entry point. Multimedia content requires a respective software environment (movies, audio).
The structure of the course is twofold comprising a theoretical body and a set of hands-on exercises. While some ot the exercises are designed for the use of a commercial software package (eCognition), they can be accomplished with an evaluation copy (for free).
We acknowledge any feedback on content, structure, or design in order to keep the material updated and appealing for future student generations.
Explore & Enjoy!
Dr Stefan Lang & Dr Dirk Tiede, Professors at Department of Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences (DAS), Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) Schillerstr. 30, 5020 Salzburg, Austria. {stefan.lang; dirk.tiede}@plus.ac.at +43-662-8044-7510
IPRs All intellectual property rights relating to the content of the course, its structure and chapter headings, the figures and illustrations, the written and oral statements, as well the conceptual design of the exercises and examples, are with the authors.
Lineage A first version of this course was built based on the PhD work of S Lang and teaching material for courses on remote sensing delivered by S Lang and T Blaschke between 2002 and 2006. The present version 2.0 is based on material from University courses taught by S Lang and D Tiede, including an online OBIA course from 2010 onwards. The course also contains conceptual material originating from Master theses done at Z_GIS in the field of OBIA, notably from F Albrecht and M Hagenlocher. The latest update and conversion to reveal.js has been accomplished with support of A Schlagbauer and V Streifeneder between 2020 and 2022, as a contribution to the EO4GEO Skills Alliance.
Usage The course shall be used by students to self-achieve the given learning objectives. Using the material in the broader academic context is encouraged, when properly cited.
Reuse and reproduction The online material of this course (including slide-deck and explaining text) has been released under a creative-commons share-alike principle. All rights remain with the authors. Please contact us for granting access to the Git repository of this course.
Liability Authors do not accept any liability for misuse or inappropriate usage of the described techniques, nor for whatsoever failure when applying these in academic, professional, or any other context.
This course aims at introducing the field of object-based image analysis providing a comprehensive overview of the techniques and theoretical background.
Specific learning objectives include:
Remember how the approach of object-based image analysis has emerged from bridging remote sensing and geoinformatics
Understand the scientific foundations (hierarchy theory, human perception, knowledge representation, computer vision) for gaining comprehensive background knowledge for applying the tools.
Apply various tools and techniques in geographical applications and related fields.
Compare OBIA methods to pixel-based remote sensing concepts (e.g. multispectral classification, accuracy assessment) and understand how the latter needs to be adapted
Practice OBIA workflows in a dedicated software environment mimicking real-world scenarios.
The course contains both theoretical background and practical exercises:
Theoretical chapters
Oral explanations, commented slide sequences, and various sources of other material
Designed as a foundation for handling the challenges of practical exercises.
Practical exercises
Self-explanatory with step-by-step instructions for getting acquainted with relevant software and tools.
Designed to demonstrate potential and limitations of OBIA and to develop a critical thinking towards the presented routines.
Why are numbers not considered objects? When and how do these numbers turn into meaningful representations of real-world units?
Different forest stand types in the Bavarian Forest national park, Germany
expert delineation
automated delineation
Tiede et al. 2004, Lang et al. 2006
Sensor resolution hits the scale of human activity
[1] Visual perception [2] Early vision and gestalt [3] Role of experience [4] Pixel-scape and object-scape [5] Visual delineation vs. segmentation
University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022
Numbers are not objects. When looking at this matrix of values we can only tell differences or similarities, but can hardly derive any other meaningful information.
When the matrix is visualized using a unique-value color scheme, it does not get much better. Only homogenous areas or regular patterns become visible.
But when the numbers are visualized in a logical sequence (grey scale), a meaningful picture is revealed.
(If you won’t realize this person, simply move some steps back, remove your glasses or twinkle your eyes …)
contrast black/white and shape: "black line in white area"
contrast b/w and shape (elongated and acute): "stripes resembling a zebra pattern"
mainly shape (pattern suppressed): "chair with zebra pattern "
Conceptual framework of Marr (1982)
Three-leveled structure of visual information processing
Computational level (purpose and strategy of perception)
Algorithmic level (implementation)
Hardware level (physical realization)
Computational level
Visual processing in stages (“sketches”)
Provide more detailed information
2D representation of a scene
Raw primary sketch:
grey shades and colour tones
Full primary sketch:
blobs and edges, ‘place tokens’
Algorithmic level
Scale-space analysis
multi-scale image segmentation
class modelling etc.
What makes a 1-year old recognize various instances of a strawberry?
What makes us recognize objects where there are none …?
We perceive a shoulder ... despite the fact there is no distinct boundary!
Gestalt approach (Wertheimer, Koffka, etc.)
Ehrenfels criterion: a gestalt is more than the mere sum of its parts (emergent properties)
‘Laws’ of perceptual organization
Factor of good gestalt
Factor of proximity (granularity)
Factor of good continuation
Those laws do not explain how perception actually works, but help to predict, how structures are perceived
A river has
spectral properties: 'blue' (as water)
in addition specific form / shape: elongated, quasi 'linear'
A municipal park has
spectral properties: ‘green’ (as vegetation)
in addition specific spatial context: surrounded by urban settlement
Human vision is well adapted for complex image interpretation tasks
Experience built up since early childhood
But human vision is challenged when dealing with remote sensing imagery:
Applying an overhead view
Dealing with spectral characteristics beyond the visual spectrum
Working with unfamiliar scales and resolutions
🢂 Experience is an important prerequisite for skillful and successful interpretation
Different views of the castle in Salzburg, Austria
Quickbird: bands 3,2,1
Quickbird: bands 4,3,2
Aster: green, red, infrared
Color photo
Personal experience
depending on age
Small kids see dolphins in a bottle
Unknown source
Professional experience
e.g. spectral signature
We know spectral profile of geographic features
We know what different colours mean, including ‘false colours’ (IR …)
Spatial continua
Pseudo-continuous representation of geographical phenomena which occur continuously
'analysis extent': small subset of entire space
"Think of temperature. You can't go someplace where there isn't one."
Def.: Mapping the continuous brightness range in discrete grey values by scanning in specific raster width
Quantisation by four grey values (2 bit per pixel: 0, 1, 2, 3)
'picture element'
integrated signal - depending on GSD
treated individually, no matter where located
Pixel-based classification process
Raw image
Feature space
Classified image
Source: Jensen, 2005
Spectral values belong to more than one information class
No spatial relationship used in classification
Pixel artificial spatial unit
'Artifacts' (salt-and-pepper effect)
Limitations of pixel-based analysis
Color (spectral reflectance in n Bands
'Space' in the sense of texture (given environment, e.g. 3*3 pixels)
but not ...
Form & shape
Neighborhood & context
Hierarchical levels
Manual delineation (‚Bog‘)
Pixel-based classification
Object-based classification
Relation between target objects and spatial resolution
Increasing importance of VHR EO data
High level of detail provides extended set of target classes
Addressing these target classes in a Landsat-imagery would fail
Hay et al. 2003
Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS
GIS users are 'used to' polygon environment
Aggregation of information (highly textured images like VHR data or radar)
Modelling of scale-specific ecological processes through multi-scale representation
Blaschke & Strobl 2001
Meaningful objects
Improved reliability of statistics
Various measurements (pixels) per object
Crisp boundaries
Augmented, uncorrelated feature space
Texture within objects, shape, neighbors, hierarchy
Providing homogenous units
Visual delineation: scale-specific, inherently applying generalization
Segmentation can be optimized by scale definition (scale-adaptive vs. scale specific) and complexity of boundary
Habitat delineation in an Alpine area. Left: visual interpretation, scape specific on FCIR air-photo, 25 cm GSD. Right: automated delineation by segmentation, scale-adapted on Quickbird imagery pansharpened 0.6 GSD)
Problems occurring with visual delineation visually (may be solved via segmentation):
selection of appropriate generalization level
individual delineations
placement of boundaries when there is a gradual transition
Problems that challenge machine-based segmentation:
Delineating conceptual boundaries (e.g. the 'outline' of an orchard, see above)
Campbell 2002
Several possibilities for the delineation of 'Forest'
(50 cm)
Small subset of a refugee camp
Image segmentation based on reflection values and optimizing shape
Visual interpretation
Texture, colour and form interpreted in a combined manner
Several scale domains perceived simultaneously, detail or noise is generalized
Number of distinguishable classes depends on experience
Units aggregated with ease
Interpretation result can be improved by learning and experience
Delineating of a large set of small units is a tedious job to do
Can hardly be automated
Processing speed increases through experience but remains linear
Automated delineation
The specifics of colour, texture, and form need to be captured in rules
Complex spatial aggregates need to be modelled
Hierarchical relations between scales can be utilized, but scales cannot be captured simultaneously
Scale adaptive vs. scale specific delineation
Automated, optimized, transferable
Large number of small, homogenous units can be delineated with ease
Only objects that are delineated can be used later
Orchard problem: boundaries are conceptual only and not directly detectable
[1] Multi-scale representation [2] Scale [3] Hierarchy theory [4] Hierarchical patch dynamics [5] Multi-scale imagery [6] Scale space analysis.
University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022
We perceive several scales simultaneously, from single trees over forest stands and fields to forests and agricultural land
Scale‐adaptive multi‐scale representation (boundaries congruent but notscale‐specific
Object hierachy from 'pixel level'to 'level 3'
Different view - different scales - different objects ...
Same landscape, same extent, different 'grain size'
"[...] self-creating, open sytsem, governed by a set of laws which regulate its coherence, stability, structure and functioning" (HAIGH,1987)
Hierarchical organization
Wu & Louks 1995
and Simon 1962,1973
From: Lang,2002
From: Hay et al., 2003
[1] Knowledge representation - why? [2] Experience and learning [3] Production systems [4] Fuzzy sets [5] Image understanding [6] Object categories
University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022
Source: unkown
⇒ Choice and parameterisation of the membership function influence the quality of the classification
⇒ Introducing expert knowledge
a. Definition
Image understanding UI is a process leading to the description of the image content (= reconstruction of an image scene) (Prinz, 1994)
b. Extent of UI
Reaching from signals (image data) to a symbolic representation of the scene content
c. Conditions for IU
cf. Lang et al. 2010
From: Lang et al. 2010
[1] Brief history [2] What is segmentation? [3] Image segmentation in remote sensing [4] Groups of segmentation [5] Multi-scale segmentation [6] Object features [7] Adaptive Parcel-Based Segmentation
University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022
Nature performs segmentation as well. Since when, we don't know ...
Source: unkown
from: wds-internetwerbung.com
Wooden snakes have segments and so have roads. Segments from exit to exit have irregular lengths, segments from milestone to milestone regular ones.
Hierarchical segmentation of a territory into administrative units: 1 state (Austria), 9 provinces(Bundesländer), 127 districts (Bezirke) 2379 communities(Gemeinden, not shown)
Fictitious example of the ‘United regions of Europe'(illustration usin NUTS-1 level units)
After a fire-alarm pupils reconvene in the gym...
By Lang,2004
2-dimensional geographical space
Region‐based segmentation of a multi‐spectral QuickBird image (0.6 m GSD)
Grassland patch
Group of trees
Mixed forest patch
Visual delineation on 0.25 m FCIR orthophotos (top row) vs automated segmentation on 0.6 m QuickBird image
From: Weinke & Lang, 2007
Segmentation results are challenged by the ultimate benchmark, our visual perception. Conceptual boundaries are hardly to be detected by segmentation algorithms while perceived by the human eye with ease (orchard problem).
Lang 2008, p.15
Finding homogenous objects
Detecting edges between objects [and background (matrix)]
Regions defined without information from image
Source: unkown
'Segmentation' by thresholding band 1 of a Quickbird image. This does not result in regions per se.
The first derivative helps detecting edges
Campbell, P.346
Lang et al., 2003
2-scale representation of scene with bush encroachment
Different patterns of increasing object size with incremental multi‐resolution segmentation
ESP tool taking into account local variance among objects and rate of change between levels
SCRM (yellow lines) vs.eCog
G. Hay, oral presentation, at ASPRS 2007
(e.g. 2nd level based on 1st level: larger scale parameter results in larger objects consisting of the objects of the 1st level)
Definition of the degree of fitting
Two objects are similar when close to each other in feature space
Compactness: ideal compact form of objects (objects don't become lengthy) Smoothness: boundaries of the edge don't become fringed
Relation between boundary length l of the object and the perimeter of the bounding box of the object (bounding box: shortest possible boundary length)
Relation between boundary length l of the object and the square root of the number n of the pixels of the object (square root of n equals the side of a square with n pixels)
From Tiede at el, 2008
From Lang & Tiede 2008
[1] Strengths of object-based classification [2] Sample- vs. rule-based classification [3] Fuzzy vs. crisp classification [4] Class hierarchy [5] Class-related features [6] Class modelling
University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022
Formann, 1995
Clear-cuts in a forest are less ambiguous, both in terms of boundaries and class assignment
Bog areas have different classes (e.g. open raised bog, heath bog, etc.) but no sharp boundaries. FCIR ortho 1976
Quantifying bush encroachment for evaluating the degradation status of a sensitive ecological area
Monitoring requirement
Degradation of near-natural active raised bog between 1976 and 1999 (Nature protection agencies)
Conditioned Information
Irrespective of the different data sources and heterogeneity of classes the decrease of th habitat type under concern was reported
A bush arrangement described by island-like distribution of bushes
Lang (2008): Object-based image analysis for remote sensing applications: modeling reality – dealing with complexity
Lang et al. 2010
Lang et al. 2007, Tiede et al. 2007
[1] Definitions [2] Non-site specific accuracy assessment [3] Site specific accuracy assessment [4] Error matrix [5] Object-based accuracy assessment [6] Object fate analysis [7] Object validity
University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022
from Campbell, 2002
Two maps with high agreement according to non-site specific assessment (A = agriculture, F = forest, W = water).
Lang et al 2011
Lang, 2008; Schöpfer et al. 2008; Albrecht 2008
Albrecht 2010
➔ Locating systematic errors (e.g. shift in geolocation etc.)
From Albrecht 2008/2010
... how to validate?
[1] Integrated geons [2] Spatial composite indicators
University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022
Lang 2010, mod.
Kienberger 2012, Pernkopf & Lang 2011, Hagenlocher et al. 2012
Kienberger et al.
Kienberger 2012, Pernkopf & Lang 2011, Hagenlocher et al. 2012.
University of Salzburg | Department of Geoinformatics | (c) 2010-2022