Remote Sensing &
Image ProcessingExercise course [UE] - 655.352
Assoc-Prof Dr Stefan LANG
This is an introductory exercise course to remote sensing. The course material has been developed using tools, concepts and guidelines under the framework of the EO4GEO project. Unless stated otherwise, all rights for figures and additional material are with the author(s).
(c) Z_GIS (S Lang) | 2020
You can navigate through vertical slides by pressing the Down / Up keys on your keyboard or the navigation arrows at the bottom of each slide.
1 | Organisation and introduction | ![]() |
2 | Image repositories and data access | ![]() |
3 | Specifics of image data | ![]() |
4 | Visualising and exploring image data | ![]() |
5 | Spatial referencing | ![]() |
6 | Radiometric correction | ![]() |
7 | Image pre-processing | ![]() |
8 | Image classification | ![]() |
9 | Validation (accuracy assessment) | ![]() |
10 | Publishing results | ![]() |
Lesson-# | Content | # of topics |
01.1 | Course overview and syllabus | 7 |
01.2 | Earth observation in practice | 6 |
Lesson-# | Content | # of topics |
02.1 | Space and ground infrastructure | 6 |
02.2 | Data access | 6 |
Lesson-# | Content | # of topics |
03.1 | Image data model | 7 |
03.2 | Histograms | 3 |
Lesson-# | Content | # of topics |
04.1 | Sensors and metadata | 2 |
04.2 | Image handling | 3 |
04.3 | Band combination | 3 |
Lesson-# | Content | # of topics |
05.1 | Spatial vs. geometric correction | 6 |
05.2 | GCP collection and referencing | 5 |
Lesson-# | Content | # of topics |
06.1 | Radiometric measurement | 3 |
06.2 | Atmospheric correction | 2 |
06.3 | Topographic correction | 3 |
Lesson-# | Content | # of topics |
07.1 | Band maths | 3 |
07.2 | Filtering | 5 |
07.3 | Image fusion and PCA | 3 |
Lesson-# | Content | Topics |
08.1 | Multi-spectral classification | 5 |
08.2 | Supervised classification | 5 |
Lesson-# | Content | Topics |
09.1 | Ground reference and error matrix | 4 |
09.2 | Product validation | 3 |
Lesson-# | Content | Topics |
10.1 | tbd | x |
10.2 | tbd | x |
Understand the structure and content of the course, as well as its requiements and objectives
# | Content |
i | Overview course structure and learning objectives |
ii | Experience and prior knowledge |
iii | Road map and syllabus |
iv | Workload, assignments and grading |
v | Literature and reference material |
vi | Software and data being used |
vii | Tutorials |
The course is structured in the following way:
Learning objectives are specified on the level of lessons, meaning there is one learning objective (or more related ones) provided for each lesson.
Altogether, there are 10 units with 2-4 lessons each. Around one-hundred topics are covered by this course. Each topic is linked, when applicable, with a concept from the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge (BoK) of the EO*GI sector in the following form:
# | Content | BoK concept |
Topic number | Topic | Permalink to BoK |
The course relies on general interest and prior knowledge in remote sensing. While not a formal prerequisite, it is recommended to having completed or being enrolled in parallel to the introductory lecture course “Remote Sensing and Image Processing” (VL 655.351).
This course conveys specific technical skills. If you want to familiarize even better with the software environment, you may enroll to "Introduction to GIS" (UE 655.332).
General skills are acquired according to Bloom's taxonomy of skills levels (see below, @Assignments).
This course takes place Wednesdays, 16.00 - 18.00 in the GI Lab. Press "show schedule" for more details on the current syllabus and schedule for this semester. Updates or any occuring changes you may find in PlusOnline.
Depending on the Covid-19 regulations, the course is offered in hybrid or online mode.
UE = "continuous assessment course". What does that mean? The course implies mandatory presence, active participation, and submission of all assignments; on the other hand, no final examination takes place!
The course consists of 7-8 present dates with 30 min theoretical background and revision assignments; 60 min joint practical exercise including discussion of relevant concepts. Tutorials are offered 2-3 times per semester.
2 ECTS credits = 50 h student workload (~ 1/3 course, 2/3 homework)
Please obey the following naming convention:
A[n]_[lastname], e.g. A1_Johnson. Please
use PFD format exclusively!
Grading: < 50% = insufficient |...| > 85% = very good. Grade distribution:
Assignment | Points |
1 | 10 |
2 | 15 |
3 | 15 |
4 | 15 |
5 | 20 |
Please see the following table of recommended books!
Tutor: Christina Zorenböhmer
Assignments and tutorials will give you the opportunity to get some hands-on experience with the platforms, software, and tools used in remote sensing.
Assignment 1 on image acquisition and online platforms will be handed out next week!
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Satellite remote sensing | Remote Sensing Platforms and Systems |
ii | What is Copernicus? | Copernicus Programme |
iii | EO @ Z_GIS | n/a |
iv | Image processing chain | Image Processing |
v | Pixel- vs. object-based approach | Object-based image analysis (OBIA) |
"From time immemorial people have used vantage points high above the landscape to view the terrain below. From these lookouts they could get a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the region. They could study the landscape and interpret what they saw. The advantage of collecting information about the landscape from a distance was recognized long ago. Remote sensing as we know it today is the technique of collecting information from a distance. By convention, ‘from a distance’ is generally considered to be large relative to what a person can reach out and touch, hundreds of meters, hundreds of kilometers, or more. The data collected from a distance are termed remotely sensed data." (Stan Aronoff, 1989)
Earth observation is one out of three main space assets.
The European satellite navigation (SatNav) programme is called Galileo. With EGNOS, the European differential global positioning system, it belongs to the world spanning global navigation satellite systems (GNSS).
Communication via satellites (SatCom) allows telecommunication all around the globe. Communication satellites receive signals from Earth and retransmit them by a transponder.
Earth observation (EO) is the systematic usage of satellite remote sensing technology for continuous or on-demand imaging or measuring of the Earth surface
Copernicus uses satellite technology to support monitoring the state of our environment and our social well-being. Here are some of the main aspects observed by Copernicus (see lesson 2.2):
Copernicus comprises three major components.
Get an overview of different types of satellite sensors and platforms
Compare two flagship satellite programmes (Landsat vs. Sentinel)
Conceptualise the term big EO data
Understand the principle of data acquisition and retrieval
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Space segment - Earth observation satellites | Platforms and sensors |
ii | Examples: NASA Landsat & Copernicus Sentinel | * |
iii | Big EO data | * |
iv | Integrated ground segment | Next-generation SDIs |
v | Data and information access service (DIAS) | * |
vi | (Semantic) content-based image retrieval | Semantic enrichment |
EO for societal (and environmental) benefit: GEO/SS Many initiatives are in place to promote the peaceful use of EO satellites.
The intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a strong
driver behind the integration of various kinds of EO systems globally into a system of systems (GEOSS). Copernicus is the European
contribution to GEO.
EO for sustainable development: EO4SDGEO (and GNSS) is crucial in supporting the achievement of the development goals (SDGs) as
recognised by the UN. UNOOSA provides an overview
on the potential of space in supporting the SDGs.
Copernicus is like a stage where different actors with their favourite instruments play together in a band.
Landsat-8 is the flagship of the long-lasting Landsat programme by NASA and USGS in the United States. The onboard instruments (sensors) of Landsat-8 are called OLI (optical) and TIRS (thermal). The Sentinel family is the backbone of the Copernicus EO space asset with Sentinel-2 carrying the optical instrument MSI.
The 4 "Vs" (volume, velocity, veracity, variety) usually describe the big data paradigm. A 5th V ('value') in EO asummes the investment in Space infrastructure stimulates an emerging market in the downstream sector.
The Copernicus space infrastructure programme is mainly represented by a suite of satellites called the 'Sentinels'.
The Copernicus integrated ground segment (IGS) includes
How to find suitable imagery in a data catalogue (see lesson 2.2)? Consider the following scenario.
A public authority needs to report on water quality of large swimming lakes (could be in Austria, Switzerland, northern
Italy, southern Germany, etc.) during high season over the past three years. For this purpose a service provider (EO company)
is contracted to deliver value-adding information products based on satellite images. The EO expert in the company needs to
search for a suitable set of images. (More Copernicus use cases you can find here.)
The expert may consider the following search criteria: (1) time window, (2) geographical focus (AOI), (3) cloud cover, (4) thematic focus,
(5) monitoring period, more specifically:
![]() |
Get to know different sources and options for data search via free platforms
Understand how to search and acquire VHR satellite imagery ('tasking) from commercial data providers
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Earth explorer (USGS) | * |
ii | Sentinel hub and playground | * |
iii | Commercial VHR data portals | * |
iv | Google Earth Engine | * |
v | Proba-V mission exploitation platform | * |
vi | Copernicus service platforms | * |
Freely available data (Landsat, Sentinel, etc.) involve billions of public investment. Commercial satellites are run by private companies that seek for return of investment.
Cost model factors include:
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There are six so-called Copernicus [core] services in six major thematic areas.
The Copernicus Land Monitoring service (CLMS) aims at monitoring the Earth.
The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring service (CMEMS) focuses on the global ocean.
The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring service (CAMS) focuses on the global ocean.
The Copernicus Climate Change service (C3S)
The Copernicus Emergency Management service (CEMS)
The Copernicus Security service contains of three subservices, (1) Maritime surveillance, (2) Border surveillance and the (3) support to European External Action (SEA)
Copernicus engages different actor groups.
Next to the Sentinel satellites there is a series of contributing missions, including commercial providers of very high (spatial) resolution (VHR) data.
Include the example of Planet and Skysat (completion of constellation such that every location on Earth is visible by 7 satellites)
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Understand the specifics of image data as a special case of raster data
Familiarize with top-view characteristics of image data as well as the difference between panchromatic and multispectral images
Learn to distinguish between different resolution types
Learn how to use spectral profiles as an analysis tool
Understand different image storage strategies
Understand the specifics of image data as a special case of raster data
Familiarize with top-view characteristics of image data as well as the difference between panchromatic and multispectral images
Learn to distinguish between different resolution types
Learn how to use spectral profiles as an analysis tool
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | What are image data? | Properties of digital imagery |
ii | Vector vs. raster data representation | The raster model |
iii | Resolution types | Spectral resolution |
iv | Image matrix and image regions | * |
v | Panchromatic vs. multi-band images, feature space | Radiometric resolution |
vi | Spectral profiles | * |
vii | Storage options | Data storage |
Image data are a specific type of raster data representing a subset of the Earth's surface by recording the continous phenomenon of radiation reflectance. Image data are captured by sensors mounted on different platforms, such as ballons, drones, aircrafts, and satellites.
Vector data are used to represent spatial discreta, while raster data are the appropriate data model for spatial continua.
There are four different resolution types: spectral, spatial, radiometric, temporal resolution
An image matrix (or pixel array) is defined by (i) coordinates of origin, (ii) resolution (pixel size), (iii) extent (dimension)
Satellite imagery consists of several co-registered pixel arrays representing a combination of different spectral bands.
Spectral profiles help determine the spectral properties of a given pixel (i.e., at a specific location)
There are different options for storing multi-band images, band-interleaved by line (BIL), band-interleaved by pixel (BIP), and band sequential (BSQ)
Understand the frequency distribution of pixels in images
Learn how to generate and to read histograms
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Value frequency distribution | * |
ii | Interpretation of histograms | Histograms |
iii | Histogram generation | * |
What is a histogram? A histogram is a statistical chart technique providing a compact overview of the data in an image than knowing the exact value of every pixel.
Here you find a interactive Jupyter notebook on how to convert a sequence of digital numbers stored in a BIL format into a histogram
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Sensor characteristics (Landsat/Sentinel-2 vs. Worldview-2) | * |
ii | Satellite image metadata analysis (webtool EO Compass) | * |
Using the examples of two representatives of the high-resolution (HR) optical satellites family (Landsat-8 & Sentinel-2) and a VHR satellite (Worldview-2)
A stand-alone webtool to understand the global coverage and quality of Sentinel-2 image acquisition based on image metadata analysis.
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | ArcGIS Pro Image Analysis module | * |
ii | Organising and loading image data | * |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Visualising image data | Layer stack |
ii | Range adjustment and resampling for viewing | Raster resampling |
iii | Band combinations (incl ArcGIS Pro presets) | Visual interpretation |
Going back to the starting slide of this unit, we can see a scene which is dominated by red tones.
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Rationale of spatial referencing | Spatial referencing |
ii | Georeferencing vs. geometric correction | * |
iii | How to obtain real-world coordinates | * |
iv | Orthorectification via RPC | Orthorectification |
v | Geodetic principles, projections [recap] | Map projections |
vi | Transformations & resampling | Coordinate transformations |
The purpose is to transform image data into a spatial reference frame. The process is carried out according to geodetic principles like the geodetic datum, projections, etc.
There are several ways to 'add' spatial coordinates to an image. This process also compensates for distortion effects that occur during image capturing (applies in particular to ortho-rectification). Usually, images obtained through one of the discussed image portals, are pre-registered or even 'ortho-ready'.
Geometric correction is a 'super-concept' comprising georeferencing (external orientation) and ortho-rectification (internal orientation, depending on camera or sensor calibration). The latter is of particular importance for VHR satellite images or air photos.
Resampling is the actual process of re-calculating an image matrix during geometric correction.
You can obtain real-world coordinates (lat-long [DMS/DD] or metric) from various sources including field visits (GNSS
measurements), Google Maps, Online map portals (e.g. Austrian Map), or any
other co-registered image.
On-the-fly projection (e.g. in ArcGIS Pro), only if spatial reference information exists.
Image co-registration requires well registered reference image in appropriate resolution
The geometric quality of an image (pre-registration) depends on the purpose. The pre-registered level 1c / 1g products of Landsat-8 or Sentine-2 are usually sufficient for a typical 'Landsat-like' application case.
Purpose and procedure VHR Satellite date delivered pre-registered (z.B. UTM-33 / WGS-84) Realized using sensor models (RPC) and differential rectification with DGM Prerequisite: ‘Ortho-Ready‘ products Interpolation of elevation over pixel and re-calculation into image matrix
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# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Spatial referencing in ArcGIS Pro | * |
ii | Image co-registration | Image co-registration |
iii | Mosaicing | * |
iv | GCP collection | Ground Control Points (GCP) |
v | Calculate and assess RMS error | Root mean square error (RMSE) |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Quantisation and radiometric resolution | Radiometric resolution |
ii | Image calibration (radiance vs. reflectance) | Radiometric correction |
iii | Principle of atmospheric correction | Atmospheric correction |
The principle of quantisation is the transformation of a continous brightness range according to a specfied sampling distance, the so-called ground sample distance (GSD). The radiometric resolution corresponds to the number of quantisation levels.
Depending on the radiometric resolution (quantisation levels), image calibration converts digital numbers (DN) into physical units of measurement (spectral radiance)
The general workflow of radiometric image enhancement contains radiometric calibration and radiometric correction. Radiometric correction can be separated in atmospheric correction and topographic correction.
Image calibration converts digital numbers into radiance at the sensor.
Atmospheric correction is a part of radiometric correction compensating for interactions of electromagnetic radiation with gas absorption and aerosol scattering in the atmosphere.
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Top-of-atmosphere correction | Converting DN to TOA reflectance |
ii | Surface correction | * |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Why topographic correction? | Topographic correction |
ii | Lambertian correction | * |
iii | Non-Lambertian correction | * |
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# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Arithmetic combination of band values | Band maths |
ii | Spectral ratioing and indices | Spectral indices |
iii | Vegetation indices | Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Principle of filtering | * |
ii | Low-pass vs. high-pass filters | * |
iii | Weighted filters (Gaussian) | * |
iv | Directional filters (edge enhancement) | * |
v | Convolutional neural networks (CNN) | * |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | General idea of image fusion | Image fusion |
ii | Pan-sharpening | Pan-sharpening |
iii | Computing principle (image) components | PCA |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Purpose of digital image classification | Image understanding |
ii | Spectral characteristics of geographic features [recap] | Spectral signatures |
iii | Multi-spectral classification | Image classification |
iv | Supervised vs. non-supervised classification (clustering) | * |
v | Sample-based vs. knowledge-based classifiers | * |
In pixel-based classification each single pixel is assigned to a given categorical class. This is done according its location in a feature space, but irrespective of its spatial location or surrounding. The general workflow of digital image classification includes:
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Selection of training areas | * |
ii | Class separability | * |
iii | Sampling strategies | Sampling strategies |
iv | Classification schemes | Classification schemes (taxonomies) |
v | Classifiers in ArcGIS Pro | * |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Post-processing (majority filtering, reclass, merging classes) | Map algebra (focal analysis) |
ii | Merging classes and reclass | * |
iii | Ground validation vs. reference layer | Ground reference |
iv | Site-specific accuracy assessment | Accuracy assessment |
v | Error matrix | Error matrix |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Paradoxon of validation | * |
ii | Usability aspects | * |
iii | Reproducibility | * |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Data compilation | data integration |
ii | Harvest OGC compliant sources | integrating data from OGC web services |
iii | (...) | * |
iv | (...) | * |
v | (...) | * |
# | Content | BoK concept |
i | Create a map | Traditional map making |
ii | Web mapping | Web map making |
iii | (...) | * |
iv | (...) | * |
v | (...) | * |