Remote Sensing | Introductory Exercise Course
List of recommended books:

Author and titleCoverAuthor and titleCover
P. Gamba & M. Herold (eds.), Global mapping of human settlement - experiences, datasets, and prospects. Boca Raton: CRC Press Chuvieco, E., & Huete, A. (2010). Fundamentals of satellite remote sensing. Boca Raton: CRC Press
D. Li, J. Shan & J. Gong (eds.), Geospatial technologies for Earth observation. New York: Springer Adams, J. B., & Gillespie, A. R. (2006). Remote sensing of landscapes with spectral images - a physical modeling approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mather, P. M. (2005). Computer processing of remotely-sensed images. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Q. Weng (Ed.), Scale issues in remote sensing (pp. 141-169). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
Liang, S. (2004). Quantitative remote sensing of land surfaces. New Yersey: John Wiley & Sons Weng, Q. (2010). Remote sensing and GIS integration. McGraw Hill