The German Weather Service (DWD) defines urban heat islands as follows:
“The urban heat island is a typical feature of the urban climate. It is characterised by the difference in air temperature
between the hotter city and its cooler surrounding countryside and reaches its maximum during night-time under
cloudless and calm weather conditions. This difference can be as much as 10 Kelvin in large cities. The air temperature
in cities depends strongly in part on building geometry, the thermal properties of the building fabric, radiation
properties of the urban surfaces and anthropogenic thermal release, e.g. domestic heating, traffic and industry.”
Urban heat islands have been recognized and described a long time ago:
“The generally higher temperatures inside towns have been noted for a long time, indeed Luke Roward (Roward, 1818),
a pioneer of urban climatology though more famous for his work on cloud classification, first measured temperature
differences in London as early as 1809. And yet, in spite of the numerous studies in urban temperatures, it still remains
to quantify, even relatively, the heat exchange mechanisms leading to the excess heat of towns. There are obviously
four contributory factors: changes in the thermal characteristics (albedo, heat conductivity and thermal capacity) of the
surface following the substitution of buildings and roads for farms and fields; changes in the airflow patterns with a
reduced diffusion of heat from streets and courtyards; changes in evaporation rates and heat losses and, the heat
added by humans and human activities. These seem to be of differing importance in different cities so that the
character of temporal variations also varies. In many cities of western Europe, heat islands are strongest in summer
whilst in central and northern Europe there is, apparently, little difference between summer and winter intensities. In
several Japanese cities, maximum heat island intensities occur in winter.”
(T. J. Chandler, Urban climatology - Inventory and prospect, Urban climates: proceedings of the WMO Symposium on Urban Climates and Building Climatology, WMO, 1970)
(Heat Island Impacts, ; 'Heat island' effect could double climate change costs for world's cities, )
Recently, the dependency of UHI on a city’s layout could be shown:
“The arrangement of a city's streets and buildings plays a crucial role in the local urban heat island effect, which causes
cities to be hotter than their surroundings, researchers have found. The new finding could provide city planners and
officials with new ways to influence those effects.
Some cities, such as New York and Chicago, are laid out on a precise grid, like the atoms in a crystal, while others such
as Boston or London are arranged more chaotically, like the disordered atoms in a liquid or glass. The researchers
found that the "crystalline" cities had a far greater buildup of heat compared to their surroundings than did the "glass-
like" ones.
The study […] found these differences in city patterns, which they call "texture," was the most important determinant
of a city's heat island effect.”
(Urban heat island effects depend on a city's layout,
Detecting UHIs is done by using the land surface temperature (LST). Be aware that
this is equal to the air temperature that people will experience in that place. However, it a good and easy-to-access indicator.
Data from Sentinel-3 will be used, which has thermal bands included and thus
provides LST. Another alternative would be Landsat-8 which has a higher resolution
- Sentinel-3: 300m, Landsat-8: 100m (resampled to 30m). At the moment, there are two
satellites, Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B, which have the same resolution.
Access the data via the Copernicus Open Access Hub. Go to
Sentinel-1 to Sentinel-3 data can be found in the Open Hub.
Log in or register to Copernicus Open Access Hub
Mark the region around Salzburg by switching to Navigation mode. To look for an appropriate image, use the Filter. You can access it by clicking the filter symbol next to the search bar.
To get rid of influence of clouds, it is better to get maximum land surface temperature over a season, but this would be out of scope of this tutorial. So, only use one image with little cloud coverage.
Filter settings:
Sensing period: 12.04.2020 to 12.04.2020
Mission: Sentinel-3
Product type: SL_2_LST__
Select the file beginning with S3A_SL_2_LST____20200412T091345. The name indicates that image is from Sentinel 3A. The Sensing date is 12 th of April 2020 at 9:13 am. Download the file and unzip it.
You can have a quicklook on the image by clicking on the eye
For pre-processing the Sentinel-3 product use the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) and QGIS
Download Sentinel Application Platform SNAP, if not already installed:
(Use only the Sentinel Toolboxes)
Same for QGIS:
In SNAP, navigate to the downloaded folder and open the xfdumanifest.xml file.
Expand the product in the Product Explorer (S3A…> Bands > LST). Visualize LST by double clicking it.
First, select the area around Salzburg to further investigate it.
In the menu bar got to Raster>Subset. In the Specify Product Subset window, select Geo Coordinates in the Spatial Subset tab and enter following values:
North latitude bound: 48.5
West longitude bound: 12.5
South latitude bound: 46.5
East longitude bound: 14.0
In the Band Subset tab only choose LST, x_in, y_in, latitude_in, and longitude_in. Click OK, then click No in the pop-up window (no flag dataset subset).
Visualize the LST Band in the subset. You now can see the region around Salzburg. For further processing, reproject the Sentinel-3 product.
In the menu bar go to Raster>Geometric Operations>Reprojection.
In the Reprojection window check if the subset is selected as the Source Product.
Name the Reprojection S3A_LST_20200412T091345_reproj.
In the Reprojection Parameters tab select UTM/WGS 84 (Automatic).
If you visualise the projection you’ll see distortions at the egdes. To get rid of them, do another subset.
North latitude bound: 48.1
West longitude bound: 12.7
South latitude bound: 47.3
East longitude bound: 13.7
Choose only LST, x_in, y_in, latitude_in, and longitude_in.
Apply a colour map.
In the Colour Mapping tab choose:
Editor: basic
Colour ramp: derived from 5_colours
Finally, click on Range from data.
Now, export the LST Band to GeoTIFF.
Therefore, mark LST Band in Product Explorer. Then, in the menu bar go to File>Export>GeoTIFF.
File name: S3A_LST_20200412T091245.tif
Choose only the LST Band by clicking on Subset….
Open a new Project, choose a base map and open the raster file which is exported from SNAP.
In the menu bar select:
Layer>Add layer>Add raster layer
Open the S3A_LST_20200412T091345.tif that is exported from SNAP.
You can change the colour ramp by right clicking the raster layer Properties>Symbology.
Select the Render type Paletted/Unique values, and an appropriate colour ramp for temperature.
Warmer and colder parts are shown. Cold areas often are caused by mountains (where high elevation leads to lower temperatures), but as well the impact of lakes can be seen.
Again, clip the file to a specific region. Therefore, the outline of Salzburg an its surrounding is needed. Looking on the red spots, the location of Salzburg can be already seen.
Layer>Add layer> Add vector layer
Choose Salzburg(S_SL_HA)_Area.shp which is available from the Download section of this Tutorial.
Select the coordinate system Inverse of Austria Lambert + MGI to WGS 84 (3) + Popular Visualisation Pseudo-Mercator in the popup window.
Finally, change the style to outline (Right click the shape Properties>Symbology).
To clip the raster file to this area select Raster>Extraction>Clip Raster by Mask Layer in the menu bar.
Make sure to select the right layers as Input and as Mask.
Keep resolution of input raster.
After clipping it should look like this:
Some more things have to be changed…
Copy the style from raster layer (Right click>Styles>Copy style) to clipped layer (Right click>Styles>Paste style).
Uncheck the original raster layer
Now, do some classification with eCognition.
Export a GeoTIFFs by selecting the clipped raster file.
Right click>Export>Save as…
In the popup window specify:
Output mode: Raw data
Name: S3A_LST_20200412T091345_clipped.tiff
Don´t forget to SAVE your QGIS project!
Start the eCognition software, and open the S3A_LST_20200412T091345_clipped image.
Now, do a segmentation. Therefore, in the Process Tree right click and open Append new.
Layer 1: 1
Scale parameter: 10Finally, export the result in a vector layer, including the mean temperature for each segment.
In the Process Tree right click and open Append new
Algorithm: export vector layer
Class filter: unclassified
Export path: choose a path and a name
Attribute: select mean for the temperature layer
Shape type: Polygons
Again, add the vector file to a QGIS layer (Layer>Add layer>Add vector layer).
Right click the raster file>Attribute Table. Toggle editing mode, order by mean layer ascending, and delete the first six entries by clicking on the trash bin.
Finally, specify the symbology (Right click>Properties>Symbology).
In the Process Tree click right and open Append new
Symbol: make the colour transparent
Precision: 1
Mode: Natural breaks (Jenks)
Classes: 5
Adjust Values
By making the Symbol transparent one can see the underlying map.
Finally, specify the symbology (Right click>Properties>Symbology).
The analysis shows the impact of different land cover on land surface temperature. However, urban planners are interested as well in heat islands within the city. In the following pages, you can see a more detailed analysis that was done with Landsat-8 data and the Google Earth Engine.
Like in the large scale the impact of green structures within the city can be seen.
Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) 2013-2017
The temperature transect clearly shows the correlation between NDVI and heat islands.
Thank you for following this session!