Towards an innovative strategy for skills development and capacity building in the space
geo-information sector supporting Copernicus User Uptake
The EO4GEO project
Duration: 4 years from January the 1st, 2018
Budget: 3,87 million €
Partnership: 25 Partners + 30+ Associated Partners (from 16 EU Countries) from
Academia, Companies and networks
Coordinators: GISIG (General), KU Leuven (Scientific & Technological), PLUS
(Education & Training), Climate-KIC (Exploitation)
The EO4GEO Consortium. 30th May 2018, Castellón de la Plana, Spain
To foster the growth of the European Earth Observation / Geographic Information (EO/GI) sector
ensuring a workforce with the
right skills, in the right place, at the right time.
To ensure the strategic cooperation among stakeholders on skills development in the EO/GI
A series of pre-defined curiculla in support of Copernicus
A portfolio of training modules directly usable in the context of Copernicus and
other relevant prograns
A series of training actions (webinars, academic courses, etc.) in the three
sub-sectors - integrated applications, smart cities and climate change
A mobility program to promote internships and on-the-job training
A Long-term Action plan to sustain the proposed solutions
Learning outcomes
Recognize the basic atmospheric pollutants and their impact on climate and health
Demonstrate knowledge of the natural processes involved in gas and particulate pollutants
Apply this cognitive knowledge to explain state-of-the-art problems
Process environmental information for the estimation of air pollution from individual
Know computational tools and databases to record / visualize air pollution
The EO4GEO program
A: The basics of air quality monitoring and management