The EO4GEO project
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The Space/Geospatial Sector Skills Alliance

Towards an innovative strategy for skills development and capacity building in the space geo-information sector supporting Copernicus User Uptake

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EO4GEO is an ERASMUS+ Sector Skills Alliance

Sector Skills Alliances are transnational projects which aim to tackle skills gaps with regard to one or more occupational profiles in a specific sector through a coherent and comprehensive set of activities and outputs.

eo4geo logo and erasmus

key figures

  • Duration: 4 years from January the 1st, 2018
  • Budget: 3,87 million €
  • Partnership: 25 Partners + 30+ Associated Partners (from 16 EU Countries) from Academia, Companies and networks
  • Coordinators: GISIG (General), KU Leuven (Scientific & Technological), PLUS (Education & Training), Climate-KIC (Exploitation)

eo4geo consortium
The EO4GEO Consortium. 30th May 2018, Castellón de la Plana, Spain


To foster the growth of the European Earth Observation / Geographic Information (EO/GI) sector ensuring a workforce with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time.


To ensure the strategic cooperation among stakeholders on skills development in the EO/GI sector.

Strategic importance

EO4GEO aims at implementing a new approach (“Blueprint”) in the Space/Geospatial Sector:

  • To improve the quality and relevance of training and other ways of acquiring skills 
  • To make skills more visible and comparable
  • To enable people make better career choices, find quality jobs and improve their life chances

The "user uptake" context

Most EO4GEO partners are part of the Copernicus Academy Network .

EO4GEO is linked to the Copernicus Building Skills Action , aiming to:

  • Increase the number of people able to access and use Copernicus data and information (basic users and/or advanced/innovative users of Copernicus)
  • Increase the supply of skills to stimulate the growth of geospatial-related jobs in Europe

Copernicus logo

The strategy

  • Identifying the supply of GI and EO education and training at the academic and vocational levels.
  • Identifying the current demand for GI and EO skills and occupational profiles.
  • Assessing the skills shortages, gaps and mismatches between supply and demand.
  • Analysing trends, challenges and opportunities in the GI and EO sector.
  • Defining a GI and EO sector skills strategy for skills development.

The instruments

  • An ontology-based Body of Knowledge (BoK) for the space/geospatial sector (extending the existing GI BoK with EO/Copernicus concepts).

  • A set of BoK-based innovative tools.

  • A series of curricula and a portfolio of training modules directly usable in the context of Copernicus and other relevant programs.

  • A series of learning actions for a selected set of strategeic scenario’s in three sub-sectors to test the approach.

  • A Long-term Action Plan to be endorsed to roll-out and sustain the proposed solutions.

  • The support of a strong group of Associated Partners mostly consisting of associations or networks active in space/geospatial domain.

An Ontology-based Body of Knowledge

A Body of Knowledge (BoK) is the complete set of concepts and relations between them, that make up a professional domain that can be used by members of a discipline to guide their education and work practice.


Describing the Geographic Information and Earth Observation domain is done by defining the underpinning inter-related concepts (theories, methods, technologies, etc.) that should be covered in education and training curricula. 

But, what is a Concept?

A concept is a theoretical construct that has been formed by combining particular instances into a general idea.

Concepts relate with each other via meaningful connections, such as “is defined by”, “is a kind of”, “is a property of”.

The concepts and the connections together form the ontology of a certain knowledge area and can be displayed as a “concept map”.  

connection EO4GEO BoK concept map

Innovative and open tools

A set of independent yet collaborating tools with the Body of Knowledge at the centre

tools The EO4GEO tools environment

EO4GEO BoK Platform allows the following functionalities:

  • Bok is openly available online & usable by everybody.

  • BoK uses permanent URLs. Everybody can refer to the BoK.

  • BoK is programmatically accessible. Everybody can build tools based on BoK.

EO4GEO's open tools making use of the BoK

  • Curriculum Design tool: Create, edit and find EO & GI Curriculum using concepts from the EO4GEO Body of Knowledge.

  • BoK visualisation and search: Auxiliary tool to search terms in BoK concepts. The tool shows matching results, and allows navigating graphically and textually in the BoK.

  • Occupational Profile tool: This tool allows to create occupational job profiles and connect them with BoK concepts (Knowledge) and ESCO (skills).

  • Job Offer tool: This tool allows to create job offers based on occupational profiles.

  • BoK Matching tool: This tool allows to compare two annotated BoK resources, as metadata "annotated" PDFs or a EO4GEO resource created in the other tools.

  • BoK Annotation Tool: This tool allows to easily annotate (associate) any PDF document with EO4GEO BoK concepts. 

"Annotations" are the properties that describe a document, a lesson, for example. Our annotations refer directly to BoK concepts.

EO4GEO is much more

  • A series of pre-defined curricula in support of Copernicus.

  • A portfolio of training modules directly usable in the context of Copernicus and other relevant programs.

  • A series of training actions (webinars, academic courses, etc.) in three sub-sectors - integrated applications, smart cities and climate change.

  • A mobility program to promote internships and on-the-job training.

  • A Long-term Action Plan to sustain the proposed solutions. 

Follow us and get engaged!

  • Join the Sector Skills Alliance .
  • Join as an expert to revise / feed the Body of Knowledge.
  • Subscribe to our project Newsletter.
  • Connect your project and establish synergies.


